The meeting Territorial Innovation Cluster "Marine Systems"

December 22, 2016 in the conference hall of the Taganrog Interdistrict Chamber of Commerce and Industry held a meeting of the Council of the Territorial Innovation Cluster "Marine Systems". The meeting was attended by representatives of JSC "Taganrog plant" Priboy ", Vector Marine Electronics, Ltd, LLC" Nelaks ", Administration of Taganrog, Taganrog College of Marine Instrument Engineering, TMTPP.


At the meeting of the Council, the current state and prospects of innovative projects of the participants of the cluster on scientific and fish search sonar equipment for 2017 were discussed. Presentations were presented at NMEL and ROC Imitation Range of Industrial Fisheries, materials at ROC SKPT-2 and ROC Bioscan.



A report on the possibility of creating on the basis of the cluster of the Competence Center on scientific and fish searching sonar equipment was made by the Director-General Designer of Vector Marine Electronics, Ltd A.N. Dolgov The Center, as a public expert council, will be able to professionally evaluate the proposals of any organizations and enterprises for the development of NGA and RPA in the framework of state programs. Training opportunities for the cluster enterprises were highlighted in the speeches of representatives of the Taganrog College of Marine Instrument Engineering (director of the college V. V. Poliev) and Nelaks LLC (assistant of the EGA and MT department of INEP SFU Soldatov G.V.).

As a result of the discussion, decisions were made on the priority of work by enterprises of the cluster in the field of import substitution, on approval of the application for the design and development work “Imitation Landfill of Industrial Fisheries” in the State Program “Development of Shipbuilding and Technology for the Development of Offshore Fields for 2013–2030” The initiative was approved to create a Competence Center for NGA and RPA on the basis of the cluster.

The next meeting of the Cluster Council is scheduled after the inclusion of the reviewed ROCs in the R & D plan of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for 2017.


Mendeleyev street, 6, Taganrog, 347913, Russia

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