intellectual property

It is possible to transfer patent rights to inventions and production secrets (KNOW-HOW)


Method and device for fish detection and estimation

Method and device for fish detection and estimation


Minimize errors in the number of detected fish and improve accuracy in assessing its reserves.


It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.

Technical description

The amount of fish detected is corrected taking into account the coefficient of reduction of the " Couzo " field of view , depending on the speed, roll, trim, angular yaw rate and other parameters of the vessel position.


The patent is developed on the basis of materials from reports on research and development, results of analytical calculations, model and field experiments, which, together with application documents for registration of the invention, represent the intellectual property of the enterprise.

Device for Searching and counting fish
Method Of Selective Breeding Of Commodity Fish
Sonar system to monitor fish in cages of industrial aquaculture
Device for counting fish

Useful models

Multibeam scientific echo sounder for accounting of aquatic bioresources

Multibeam scientific echo sounder for accounting of aquatic bioresources


Multibeam scientific echo sounder refers to the scientific hydroacoustic fish-searching apparatus and is designed to lizirovania water areas, searching, and counting the number of fish, determining the parameters of the individual fish and fish aggregations.


Multibeam scientific sounder is used for hydroacoustic surveys of the studied waters. The results of sonar surveys are used to quantify fish stocks.


Multibeam scientific sounder provides: formation of the sector characteristics of the direction in the radiation mode and the formation of a fan of directional characteristics in the reception mode; temporary automatic gain control according to the laws of 20lgR+2aR and 40lgR+2aR for bulk scatterers and single targets; selection of echoes from the bottom surface and from single targets; calculation of THE NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research ships; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms and construction of 3D images of objects in the field of view; adaptive threshold processing and other necessary functions.

Hydroacoustic low-frequency converter
Active echo-pulse locator
Mobile system of acoustic monitoring of fish farms
Adaptive acoustical system affecting on hydrobionts
Acoustical system affecting on hydrobionts
Electronic catch book
Sounding pulse generator
Sidescan sonar
Computer-aided info system to assist in fishing vessel handling

Computer programs

Software module "Single target selector"

Software module "Single target selector"


The program module for selection of single targets is designed for selection of echo signals from single targets (fish) and calculation of the true value of their target strength (TS).


The software module for selection of single targets is used as part of the software of scientific sonar equipment – single-beam and multibeam sonar and sonar.


The software module for selection of single targets works in accordance with the algorithm, taking into account: the amplitude of the echo pulse, enhanced by the varu law 40lgR+2aR, with respect to the threshold value, the duration of the echo pulse within the specified limits, the deviation of the phase differences of the split beam inside the echo pulse, the spatial position of a single target in the solution of the directional characteristics relative to its acoustic axis.

The software module "Selector of bottom signal"
Software module "Echo integration"
The software module " Ehoschet "
Software for multi-purpose research single-beam split-beam sonar
The software of calibration of portable sector sonar of PGLS "Sector". Version 1.0
Software module for piece counting fish
The software of post processing processing system for fish counting results ( postprocessing software ). Version 2.0
Portable Sonar Sonar Software (PGLS) software. Version 2.0
Software module for electronic mapping for scientific sonar
Target power calculator
Portable Sonar Surveillance Software (SWGS Software)
Software for the post processing system for fish counting (postprocessing software)
Complex for the calculation of the main parameters and modeling of the operation of hydroacoustic fish-searching equipment
Software simulator of the control and indication console of the net recorder CN-14A
Software simulator of the control and display console of the Simrad ES60 echosounder
Software simulator of the control panel and display of sonar Simrad SP70
The software of the adder for navigation, fishing and fishing equipment (NRPRPO)
The converter of hydroacoustic data records of the PGLS "Sector" into the NAS data format
The programmed training complex for studying the filling of the fishing log and the preparation of ship daily reports
Complex program training for the study of the fishing schedule of operations with pelagic and bottom trawls with 3D animation of the deck crew's actions in the course of fishing operations
Information and logical analyzer of field data
Software simulator of Furuno CN-14A Net Recorder
3-D visualization module View4000
Module for docking the simulators of the hydro-acoustic complex RPT-4000 with NT-Pro (version 05.2012)
Virtual stand of complex debugging of the automated control system of the fishing vessel
Electronic fishing log with support of daily ship reports
Software simulator of Simrad ES60 Fishery Echosounder
Software simulator of Simrad SP70 Fishery Sonar
Class for hand-on training in navigational plotting NS-3000
Software of data processing, control and display designed for scientific sonar system used to calculate single fish
Software simulator for multi-beam sidescan sonar pings
Deck-hands duties when performing fishing operations
Software for an automated motion control system for a fishing vessel (ACS MFV)
Fishery simulator software FS-4000

Production secrets (KNOW-HOW)

Calibration Procedure for a Split-beam Portable Multipurpose Research Single-beam Sounder

Calibration Procedure for a Split-beam Portable Multipurpose Research Single-beam Sounder

Experience and knowledge have been accumulated and tested in the field of calibrating single-beam and multi-beam echo sounders with a split beam.


Know-how materials can be used by the developers of split-beam scientific echo sounders designed to assess the size and number of fish, as well as the operators of such scientific echo sounders.


In the framework of this know-how, analytical materials have been collected containing the theory and practice of the method of forming a split beam and calibrating the antenna system, as well as a complete set of software documentation for calibrating the antenna system.

Method and device for estimating fish sizes in a wide field of view
Post-processing systems for sonar recordings with the aim of assessing stocks of fish bioresources


Mendeleyev street, 6, Taganrog, 347913, Russia

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